Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Zermedine (Prologue)

    My name is Kayla Dalery and I live in the fifth out of seven ecosystems on Mars.  It is August 29th 3025 here in the Zermedine and I can't believe the summer is almost over! I guess I am kind of glad, because Daddy and my brother, Kevin have been gone all summer helping the newest ecosystem get situated and I can't wait to see them. Plus, second winter means the year is almost over, and when I am 7 I will be able to go with them and help collect ice, build ecosystems, and teach other people how to live on Mars!
     Kevin says that on Earth, years are only half as long as on mars, so, on Earth, I would be fourteen! I feel my lips twitch when I think about it, because... My dad is 16 and he is a full grown man! 
     Today, everyone including my mom and I are planning a feast for the party's arrival and in the morning mom is going to take me to the shop to get my first "eye-cube"! I can't wait! 
     "Kayla!" I hear my name being called and I rush to my mother's voice.

     "Yes?" I ask, eager to be assigned a task.

     "Would you recheck the inventory?" her voice lowers to a whisper and she leans close to me, "Miss. Lawson got busy while listing and, well... I need it redone." She stands back up straight and hands me a touch pad and cursor with a funny smile. I know she means that Miss. Lawson started chatting instead of working, but everyone knows she never finishes a task. She is 8 years old, but I still have to call her miss because she thinks she is "the most valuable aspect of the Zermedine". What she doesn't know is that the only reason we put up with her (and give her tasks) is because she is going to be sent back to earth next summer. 

     I laugh inwardly as I rush off thinking, I guess she will have to become "the most valuable aspect of... Australia!" At the door of the greenery system Mr. Crosswell assists me in and watches as I note everything on every shelf, in every drawer and fridge and pantry. It is a strange room with 16 huge, metal pillars going straight up to the glass roof. It's light source is the sun, and a couple artificial warm lights to assist growth. That's another reason I can't wait to be 7, I will be able to come in here all alone and be able to lower the tables. When I finish I look at him and he taps his finger onto a scanner that accepts his finger print and then shines a scanning beam over the room to make sure that no one is under the tables.

    After a machine sends out a ray to keep me still (I wouldn't even try to run under the tables to my death, but it's the rules, so I don't protest even though I feel numb and sick inside from the ray) the huge pillars spin and 16 gigantic, plus [+] shaped tables slowly lower to the ground. I quickly dash around listing everything that is ripe and not quite ripe on the touch pad then speed out the room to find my mom.

     I hand the pad to mom and she beams. 
     "You are the fastest inventorian I ever met" She says proudly, "The ZLB (Zermedine Leader Board) and the MCA (Mars Community Assosiation) will be proud to assign you on the ZAG (Zermedine Assorted Group)!

     "I am praying to God everyday that they will put me on the ZAG! I know how to do every job, and I would get soooooo board just doing one job every day!" My countenance falls and I feel a pain inside at the thought.

     "Well, you should be happy with whatever job you are assigned. But look around! Have they ever miss-assigned anyone?" I knew she was right, but, like all almost-7-year-olds, I was nervous that I would, be miss-assigned, and then I would be stuck... FOREVER!

     "You've done a lot, sweetie. You should go to bed now, you have a big day tomorrow!" I look at her, but I can't remember what is special about tomorrow.

      "eye-c-" She doesn't have to finish because I am off to the girls room in an instant. I check off the night list with in five minutes and go to join all the other girls. I climb up to the fifth bunk and dream about when I will be able to sleep on the tenth, top bunk, or when I will join the ZAG, or when I will go out of Zermedine with Kevin and Daddy, or, in the nearer future, tomorrow, when I will have my very own "eye-cube"

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