Wednesday, October 23, 2013

10. Lost under a blue sky

I jump to my feet and run toward a black smudge in the distance, every second trying to figure my life out, and every second feeling more confused, abandoned and lost. I dash and don't stop for breath, I don't need breath until I know at least one thing for sure. Did that black silhouette bring me to earth? Did it bring Rachael too? If so, where is she? And we would have had to come by a rocket, so where is the space station? Why was I lying out in the middle of nowhere? And why don't I remember the year long trip? I finally give up and put all my energy to running... running...


"Kayla!" I wake up and look into an unfamiliar face. Relief sweeps over me, as I realize it must have just been a dream. I blink, but I don't really look around, I can't see anyway, so I simply sit up and rub my sore legs. The figure steps away, I guess, because the shadow is much brighter over me.  I blink again trying to recover my vision, but to no avail. I feel the pulse in my legs and groan as they ache.

"Legs hurt?" a soothing voice of an old woman asks.

"Um... yeah. I guess I bruised them while I was in the outlands." That came out of my mouth before I thought it! I shrug my shoulders, well at least my brain figured something out! "Excuse me," I begin again as the lady whispers something to herself. She must be a nurse and is getting something to heal my wounds, but I want her to listen... and to answer.

"Yes, Deary?" 

"I.. um... Why am I back here in the Zermedine? Or.. I mean... This is the Zermedine right? Wasn't I outcast? So how am I in any community at all? Why am I not dead? Where's Rachael? And Kevin? And Dad and Mom? And-"

"Whoa there young lady. Slow down. What's this about a.. Serbib-dime? And Outlands? And you being and OUTCAST, what a notion! I don't see how such a lovely girl can think such things! I guess that run gave you more than an unconscious spell. It must have broke your brains!" She squeaks a cheery, delightful laugh, but shortly became solemn. My vision slowly returns and I can see a sad expression on her face. "Deary..." She sighs and grabs my head. "They're gone, deary. Passed away three years ago. Don't you remember? Simple exhaustion shouldn't take so much from you... I'm sorry, deary, you shouldn't have to bear the news twice..."

She sighs again then turns away, to her sink (I can now see plainly). "You should probably head home now, deary, it's been a long and tiresome day I am sure. All that daydreaming and running... it really messed you up today. But no worries! I'll call the school later and get you a day off for re-hab with me, Okey Dokey, Deary Darling? Now, off you go!" She helps me down from the tall bench (probably a nurse's table) and I am too stunned to speak. She walks me out the door to a brilliant blue and white sky, but I can't talk, not even to tell her that I have no idea what to do, where to go, or how to get there! 

"Off you go now! Get on with you! And remember, first thing tomorrow, come straight to your old, Auntie Biltnee! Bye bye now, Deary Darling!" She turns and closes the door behind her, leaving me to myself. My empty, confused, dizzy self. Now, I sincerely know nothing... Except... I am on the planet Earth, and as sure as that bright yellow ball shines in the eerily blue sky... I... am the most confused, lost girl in the universe.


  1. So funny! I like the old lady! But what was the thing about "Dying" and " Three years?"

    1. She said that Kayla's parents died three years before. (haha I just realized how short the last chapter was... oh, well.)

    2. Okay, It would be weird to have someone do that to you!

  2. I like the old lady, she is so funny, I like what you are doing with the book, it's great. I am excited to see what will happen next!!
    Psalm's 86:11 -12

  3. What in the world! (ha ha I guess that was a play on words, but I didn't realize it when I wrote it)

    How did she get to earth!?! I thought she would eventually, but I didn't think it would be so mysterious!

    I can't wait to read more!
